An elder (one time close friend) did a lot of stuff on water with late poet laureate Ted Hughes. Read an interview ages back where Ted said he was wrong on pursuing water stuff and should have done climate change. Sorry I can't tell you where I read it or look at it again to double check my facts. So if I am misquoting, sorry.
The idea seems to have been to have a global concern that affected everyone - in this case water purity. But it didn't really catch on (no fishing pun intended :))
But before I got thrown out, I went to see this elder friend to see if he could help avert the situation where I blew the whistle very publicly on the GB's apostacy against the inspired words of the prophet Daniel. In particular that the 3rd year of Jehoiakim's rulership was the 3rd year.
This elder told me I could not be certain that Jehoiakim's 3rd year of rulership was actually his 3rd year of Jehoiakim's rulership. I told him I was certain. He called me irrational. I asked him to look at 7 scriptures that proved it. He refused to look at these scriptures with me.
I am guessing he knew I would not take the strong stand I was taking if I wasn't certain of my facts. So he refused to look at the real figures. Instead he insulted me and sought to undermine my confidence. When he did that... well I never expected this man, who I knew as being kind, would ever do such a thing to me. I can't put into words what I felt, all I can say is that I wouldn't want to oppose the words of the true God.